Competition Rules
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General Rules
Supervision: Children aged 16 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, who is responsible for their safety throughout the event.
Consideration for Others: To ensure an enjoyable experience for all, please remain in your designated seating area and avoid obstructing the view of other schools.
Dress Code: Dancers must wear suitable footwear, and all costumes, hair, and makeup should be age-appropriate.
Health & Safety: Participation in the competition is at the competitor’s own risk. All dancers must be in good health and fit to perform. If there are any medical concerns, please seek advice from a GP or health professional before taking part.
Filming/ Photography
General Photography & Filming: Parents/guardians may take photos and videos of their own child throughout the event. However, if anyone has any objections to this, please let your dance school lead know , and we will enforce a no-filming/no-photography policy for the relevant events.
Team Events: One nominated representative from each dance school may record their team’s performance from the front. No other video recording is permitted within the venue. It is the responsibility of each dance school to obtain consent from their team members before filming. The school also has discretion over how and where the recording is shared to protect choreography and for safeguarding reasons.
Social Media Considerations: If uploading photos/videos of participants to social media, we recommend reviewing your privacy settings to limit your audience to close friends and family.
Event Organiser Footage: By entering the competition, participants acknowledge that On the Beat may take photographs and short videos for use on our website, social media, and promotional materials. If any individual has concerns or would like to request adjustments, please speak to your dance school lead, who will liaise with our events team.
Solo Rules
(Set Routine Solos & Freestyle Street Dance Solos)
At our competitions, dancers can enter up to two solo events per competition day. This may include:
- One Set Routine Solo and One Freestyle Street Dance Solo, or
- Two Set Routine Solos (where permitted—please check the event programme for details).
It is the dance teacher’s responsibility to ensure that competitors enter the correct age category and level.
Each event will have an event programme listing provisional age categories. Once all entries are processed, finalised age categories will be confirmed and published on the website.
On the Beat reserves the right to adjust age sections if necessary, including splitting or combining categories, even if they differ from the originally advertised programme.
Judging– During the competition, our qualified scrutineer will use the skating system to analyse adjudicators’ marks. From preliminary rounds, six dancers will be selected for the final round. However, in some cases, you may see 5, 7, or 8 dancers in a final, depending on the outcome of the mark analysis.
Set Routine Solos
Dancers will perform a pre-choreographed routine, choosing from a selection of routines designed for different skill levels. These routines are made available to teachers 3–4 months prior to the competition and are sent by email upon booking.
Choosing the Right Level:
Dancers should enter the level that best matches their ability, with teachers encouraged to support appropriate progression. Intermediate and advanced dancers should avoid lower-level routines to ensure fairness for beginner competitors. -
Routine Execution:
We understand that there may be slight differences in interpretation, but dancers should aim to match the routine as closely as shown by their teacher.
Freestyle Street Dance Solos
This category allows dancers to showcase creativity and individuality.
Levels Available:
- Class Members (new name to become Freestyle First Timers)
- Beginners
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Additional Support Needs
(Note: Some events may only go up to Intermediate level—please check the programme.)Performance Guidelines:
- Dancers must stay within their designated space.
- Music will be age and level appropriate (see event music information).
- We encourage dancers to freestyle to the track played rather than rely on pre-set choreography.
- While younger or less experienced dancers may include choreography learned in class, the goal is to develop the ability to freestyle in the moment.
Tricks & Acrobatic Moves
- Permitted at all levels: Basic breaking footwork (e.g., 6-step, coffee grinder) and low-risk freezes (e.g., baby freeze) if performed in a safe space.
- Restricted to Intermediate Final & Advanced Level: Flips, acrobatics, and higher-risk moves.
- Teachers should consult us if unsure about a move’s eligibility.
Dancers must always be mindful of the safety of others when performing tricks.
Solo Level Guidelines
Class Member Solos/ Freestyle First Timers
- For dancers who have never entered the freestyle category at any street dance competition before.
Beginner Solos
- Open to dancers who have not won a beginner solo event.
- If a dancer has reached the final in 3 or more competitions (with 12+ competitors), they should consider moving up to Intermediate, even if they have not won.
Intermediate Solos
- Open to dancers who have moved up from Beginner and have not won Intermediate more than 3 times.
- Dancers may enter Intermediate straight away if their teacher deems them at this level.
- Once a dancer moves up an age category, they may drop back to Beginners only if permitted by their teacher.
Advanced Solos
For dancers who have won Intermediate 3 times (with at least 5 competitors per win).
Once a dancer reaches Advanced, they may only move down if they move up an age category.
Dance-Ons: (Time permitting)
- All Advanced finalists will compete in a dance-on, with a time limit of 12 bars (1 bar = 4 counts).
Elite All-Stars (Subject to Event)
- The winner of each Advanced solo age category will qualify for the Elite All-Stars round (unless Spotlight Awards are taking place instead).
- Each winner performs a 1-minute solo to a track of their choice (must be provided on the day).
- If no music is provided, the DJ will select a track as per standard solos.
- Judges will rank the top 5 dancers in this round.
Additional Support Needs Solos
This category is open to dancers with a mental health, physical, or learning disability who meet the following criteria:
In receipt of an EHCP (Educational Health & Care Plan) and/or
Attend a SEN school.
At all events, there will be:
- A freestyle solo category for Additional Support Needs.
- A set routine category specifically designed for these dancers.
- We encourage teachers to discuss entries with us to ensure the best competition experience for the dancer
Team Rules
General Team Rules
- One Team Per Dancer: Each dancer may only participate in one team event.
- Team Size: Teams must consist of 5 to 30 dancers. If a team has fewer than 5 dancers due to absences, they may still perform and receive their award but will automatically be placed last in the section.
- Music & Choreography:
- Music and choreography must be age-appropriate for both dancers and the audience.
- It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that music is free from explicit language.
- Choreography must not include inappropriate movements or gestures—failure to comply may result in penalties.
- Teacher Conduct: Teachers should not stand in front of teams while they perform, unless the dancers require guidance due to their age or ability.
- Category Adjustments:
- If only one team is entered in a category, On the Beat may combine levels (e.g., Beginner/Intermediate or Intermediate/Advanced).
- Alternatively, the teacher may be given the option to move their team up an age or grade level to ensure competition.
Routine Lengths
Maximum routine durations:
- Beginners: 2 minutes
- Intermediate: 2 ½ minutes
- Advanced: 3 minutes
Team Age Categories
- Team age divisions are based on the dancer’s age on the day of the event.
- At least 75% of the team must be within the age category they are competing in. The remaining 25% may be older.
- Teams may include younger dancers than the category allows.
A team competing in 13 Years & Under with 12 dancers must have:
- At least 9 dancers aged 13 or under.
- Up to 3 dancers aged 14, 15, 16, or 17.
Team Entry Guidelines
Choosing the Right Level:
- Teams should enter at an appropriate level based on their dancers’ experience.
- If a team consists mainly of beginners/inexperienced dancers, they should enter Beginner Teams.
- If a team consists of more experienced dancers, they should enter Intermediate or Advanced.
Progression Between Levels:
- A Beginner team that wins multiple competitions should move up to Intermediate at future events.
- Intermediate teams should win at least three competitions against multiple teams before progressing to Advanced.
Entry Submission & Music Requirements
- Entry Deadline: Team entries must be submitted 10 days before the competition.
- Music Submission:
- Music must be emailed in advance to our DJ at
- Email should include: Team Name, Age Category/Grade, Teacher’s Name, Dance School Name and Date of the Event
Illness/Absence on the Day
- If an absence affects the age category a team has entered, the team must move to the correct age section before the competition starts.
- Teams that compete in the wrong age category may be disqualified or placed last in their section.
- Teachers should enter teams into a category that allows them to remain within the 75% rule, even in case of illness or absence.
Team Marking Criteria & Feedback
- All teams will receive detailed feedback within one week of the event.
- Feedback will be provided to the team’s teacher and will include:
- Written feedback
- Ratings on key performance areas
- Click [here] for more information on our team marking criteria.
Duo General Rules
- Duo Partnership: A duo must consist of two dancers.
- Entry Limit: Each dancer may enter ONE duo section at each event (excludes fun duos).
- Category Placement:
- Duos will compete in the category of the highest freestyle solo grade and the highest age in the partnership.
- Example: If one dancer is 11 & Under Intermediate and the other is 13& Under Beginner, they will compete in 13 & Under Intermediate Duo.
- Middle Ground Rule (for level only, not age): If a duo consists of an Advanced dancer and a Beginner/Class Member, they may enter Intermediate rather than Advanced.
- No Solo Status: If neither dancer has a solo status, they should enter based on the duo guidelines below.
Duo Levels & Progression
Beginner Duos
- Open to duo partnerships who have not won a Beginner Duo event.
- If a duo has reached the final in 3 or more competitions (with 12+ duos), they should consider moving up to Intermediate, even if they haven’t won.
- Tricks & Acrobatics:
- Breaking footwork (e.g., 6-step, coffee grinder) is permitted.
- No acrobatics, flips, freezes, or worm allowed in any round.
Intermediate Duos
- Open to duo partnerships who have moved out of Beginner grade and have not won Intermediate more than 3 times.
- Duos may enter this level without winning Beginners if their teacher deems them suitable.
- Duos may only move back to Beginners if they have moved into a higher age section.
- Tricks & Acrobatics:
- Breaking footwork (e.g., 6-step, coffee grinder) is permitted.
- Controlled freezes and lower-risk tricks (e.g., baby freeze) are permitted in all rounds but should be performed safely in an appropriate space.
- Acrobatics & flips are permitted in the final only and should be executed with control and awareness of other dancers.
Advanced Duos
- For duo partnerships who have won Intermediate 3 times.
- Once a duo reaches Advanced, they may only move down if they move up an age category.
- Tricks & Acrobatics:
- Breaking footwork (e.g., 6-step, coffee grinder) is permitted.
- Controlled freezes and low-risk tricks are permitted in all rounds.
- Acrobatics, flips, and higher-risk moves are permitted in all rounds but must be performed safely with full control.
Dance-Ons (Time Permitting)
- All Advanced finalists will participate in a dance-on.
- Time limit: 12 bars (1 bar = 4 counts).
Teacher Responsibility
- It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure dancers are entered in the correct age category and level.
- Teachers should guide their students to compete at an appropriate level and consider safety when performing tricks.
Other Event Guidelines
(Subject to Schedule)
Quads & Trios
- Dancers may enter either a Trio OR a Quad, not both.
- Group Composition:
- Trio: 3 dancers.
- Quad: 4 dancers.
- Age Category: These groups must enter based on the oldest dancer in the group (not the 75% rule used for teams).
- Tricks & Acrobatics:
- Breaking footwork, such as 6-step and coffee grinder, is permitted in all rounds.
- Controlled freezes and low-risk tricks are permitted in all rounds but must be performed safely and with awareness of other dancers.
- Acrobatics and flips are allowed but must be executed with extreme caution to ensure the safety of all competitors.
Tops of Beginner Solo & Tops of Intermediate Solo (Weekender Event Only)
- Winners of all Beginner Solo sections will compete for the “Tops of Beginner” title.
- Winners of all Intermediate Solo sections will compete for the “Tops of Intermediate” title.
- Both events are run as a freestyle solo final, with judges awarding the winner immediately after the music stops based on their decision during the performance.
Tops of Set Routine Solo (Weekender Event Only)
- Winners of each Set Routine category will compete for the “Top of Dance” title (e.g., Top of Dance 1, 2, 3, etc.).
- Each final will be judged live, with the winner announced immediately after the routine.
Fun Duos (Little & Large / Parent & Child / Mixed Dance School Duo)
These events are designed as fun categories with no competitive grading.
- Tricks & Acrobatics:
- No restrictions, but all movements must be performed safely with consideration for other competitors.
Parent & Child Duo
- Must consist of one dancer and one adult.
- The adult (“parent”) cannot be a dance teacher or competitive dancer (including a teacher who is a parent of a competitor).
- The adult does not have to be the biological parent of the child.
- Age Categories: This event may be split into divisions based on the child’s age, as outlined in the event programme.
Little & Large Duo
- Open to two dancers with a minimum age difference of four years (a height difference is also encouraged).
- There is no age category—all ages are combined.
Mixed Dance School Duo
- A duo event where dancers pair up with a competitor from another school (not a sister school from another location).
- This event encourages new friendships through competitions.
- Partnerships/ routines should be formed at the competition, not before.
House Battle
- The event starts as a normal solo round until the judges select finalists for the battle.
- Dancers must incorporate House Dance elements throughout.
- Battle Round Format:
- Each finalist will be given two to three rounds of a few bars of music.
- Judges will eliminate dancers immediately after each battle round until a winner is crowned.
- Music: House music will be played throughout the event.
Teachers Dancing at Events
We welcome teacher participation, but to maintain fairness, clear entry guidelines apply.
- Teachers must wear a competitor’s wristband (not a teacher wristband) to take part in any event.
- Who is considered a teacher?
- Anyone who holds a dance teaching qualification.
- Anyone who actively teaches classes without supervision.
Student Teachers & Class Helpers
- Dancers assisting with younger teams but not leading classes or choreographing may continue to compete as dancers.
- Once an assistant actively teaches or choreographs, they must follow the teacher entry rules.
Can Teachers Enter Every Event?
Team Events
- Not permitted in Beginner Teams or Parent Events.
- Allowed in Intermediate or Advanced Teams.
- Highly experienced teachers should enter the Advanced Team Sections.
Duo Events
- Not permitted in Beginner or Intermediate Duos.
- Allowed in Advanced Duos only.
- Not permitted in Parent & Child Duos.
Set Routine Solos
- Allowed in the top two levels only.
- Not permitted in Parent Set Routines.
Freestyle Solos
- Allowed in Advanced only.
Quads & Trios
- Not permitted, as this is an open-level event.
- Some events may offer a teacher-specific category.
House Battle
- Not permitted, as this is an open-level event.
Fun Duos (Parent & Child, Mixed Dance School, Little & Large)
- Not permitted in any Fun Duo category, as these are non-graded events.
Teachers at Smaller Events (Colne Muni & Accrington Town Hall)
- These events are primarily aimed at Beginner-Intermediate dancers.
- Teachers are discouraged from entering these competitions and this is at the dance school leads discretion but must follow the above guidelines.