Team Marking Criteria

At our events, judges are asked to place each team in a category. If there are 5 teams, each team will be awarded 1st- 5th (and so on) from each judge based on what each judge feels is important. Our scrutineer will then uses the ‘skating system’ to analyse the judges placings and produce the results. 

Judges will give each team some written feedback which will be combined and emailed to teachers within a week of the event. This feedback will only be available to the dance school teacher and not to parents or dancers. It is therefore the teachers decision whether to share this with team members and/or parents. 

As well as this, judges are asked to rate each team in 4 areas we think are important (see below). The intention of this isn’t to necessarily contribute to the marks but to give teachers a clearer indication of stronger & weaker areas in case this isn’t mentioned in the written section. This will also be given to teachers as part of the feedback for each team. For each area, judges have the opportunity to give one of the following ratings- 

Very Good 

–        Overall concept & creativity
–        Transitions & formations used
–        Music choice and Musicality 

–        Confidence
–        Energy and chemistry of the group
–        Synchronicity of the group
–        Presentation
–        Cleanliness of lines and visual impact

–        Execution of all movements used
–        Dynamics and intention of movement
–        Body control
–        Styles technique (for example; having correct grooves or good Poppin’)

– Showing an understanding of street styles
– We recommend using 2-3 street styles in a piece but stress importance of quality over quantity
– The styles that we recognise are Hiphop, Locking, Popping, House, Breaking, Waacking, Voguing, Krump, Afro & Litefeet 
-Correct use of moves within choreography

Please note that teams may be given a penalty by judges for any of the following 

PENALTY 1 – music being over limit (monitored by DJ)
PENALTY 2 – inappropriate language used in team music 
PENALTY 3 – outfits not being age appropriate for team
PENALTY 4 – movements/ gestures used that are not age appropriate.